Autocad 2019 Not Showing Line Dimensions While Drawing


When plotting or publishing from AutoCAD, lineweights and/or linetypes do not output correctly to hardcopy or PDF files. The following may apply:

  • Lines don't show any lineweights.
  • Lines are inconsistent, such that they show the wrong size, either too thick or too thin.
  • Lines vary from one end of a line to another.
  • Dashed, hidden lines in the drawing plot as a solid/continuous line.
  • Batting lines plots as solid/continuous.
  • Dashed lines show in print preview and as correct but plot another.


Possible causes:

  • "Plot object lineweights"-option isn't checked in the plot dialog.
  • Plot styles.
  • Lineweights applied are not thick enough to be displayed on the selected paper size.
  • Outdated or damaged printer drivers.
  • Outdated graphics drivers.
  • Block entities in a drawing that need redefining.
  • Incorrect value of the PSLTSCALE variable.
  • General installation or profile issue.
  • A setting of the PDF-Viewer.
  • Custom STB is overriding layer and line scale settings.


Do one or more of the following, testing if the file plots as expected after each:

Plot object lineweights

Open the plot dialog and check Plot object lineweights.

Plot styles:

Do one or more of the following:

  • Check if the correct plot style table file is selected from the page setup or from the plot window.
  • Ensure that lineweights and linetypes are correctly set in the plot style table being used.
  • Check whether the correct CTB/STB file is being used. By default, they are located in the Plot Styles folder. See: STYLESMANAGER (Command).

If using an custom CTB or a custom STB Check the 'Plot Style Table' settings for lineweight and linetype:

  1. Click on the printer icon in either the page set up or type on the command line PLOT.

edit pentype.png

  1. In either the 'Table View' tab or the 'Form View' tab select the color of the layer the line is on.

Table view of layer colors.JPG


Form view of layer colors.JPG

  1. Make sure the Lineweight and linetype is set to 'Use Object...' and not a different linetype or lineweight.

Note:  For more information about the 'Plot Style Table Editor' See: (Plot Style Table Editor).

Lineweights applied are not thick enough to be displayed on the selected paper size:

  • Set lineweights thick enough so that they appear correctly on the chosen paper size.

Old, corrupted or missing printer driver or .pc3:

  1. Download and install the latest printer drivers from the printer manufacturer website.
  2. Update the graphics driver (see How to update to the latest certified video driver).
  3. Try plotting to a different plotter driver, such as AutoCAD PDF (General Documentation).pc3.
  4. As a workaround, if PDF files plot correctly, plot a PDF from AutoCAD and then print the PDF.

Block entities in a drawing that need redefining:

  1. If specific blocks are affected:
    1. Redefine these blocks in a new drawing.
    2. Purge them from original drawing.
    3. Add them again to the existing file.
  2. Clean and repair the drawing (see How to repair corrupt AutoCAD files).
  3. Uncheck the Scale lineweights setting.

Incorrect value of the PSLTSCALE variable:

This applies when publishing layouts.

  1. EnterPSLTSCALE at the command line.
  2. Set the value to0.


  • EnterREGENALL to update the display (it will not affect the plotted result).
  • Each layout may have a different value ofPSLTSCALE.

General installation or profile issue:

  1. Install the latest updates for AutoCAD (see Install Updates, Add-ons, and Enhancements).
  2. Reset settings to default (see How to reset AutoCAD to defaults).
  3. Repair AutoCAD (see How to repair or reinstall an AutoCAD installation).

A setting of the PDF Viewer:

When using Adobe PDF Reader try the following:

  1. In the Acrobat Reader, click the Edit menu and choose Preferences.
  2. Under Page Display, uncheck Smooth line art.

Note: In some versions, Smooth line art may be grayed out while 2D graphics acceleration is enabled.

User-added image


    AutoCAD for Mac; AutoCAD LT for Mac; AutoCAD Products;


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